Bring the world together


We use English as an excuse to motivate the kids to learn more about the world and what it has to offer.

Every Saturday we connect online, a group of kids in Colombia with people from around the world who decide to participate in a volunteer basis, meet the kids and play some games with them, not only to practice English but also to be part of a cultural exchange.

Learn more about what we do

What do our volunteers say?

Would you like to help the project?

Donate your expertise

You can either help us by volunteering in one of our classes or simply by giving us ideas of new educational and cultural activities to implement in the classes.

Spread the word

Do you like what we do? Spread the word in social media or just with your neighbor, so that other people can come in and be part of it.

Donate your material

Share online learning material or equipment for the families who don't have access to a proper device to participate in the class.